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Roger Rees

GeburtsortAberystwyth / WAL

James MacPherson in Warehouse 13 [13.07.2010]
James MacPherson in Warehouse 13 [06.07.2010]
James MacPherson in Warehouse 13 [22.09.2009]
James MacPherson in Warehouse 13 [15.09.2009]
James MacPherson in Warehouse 13 [18.08.2009]
Dr. Colin Marlow in Grey's Anatomy [19.04.2007]
Dr. Colin Marlow in Grey's Anatomy [22.03.2007]
Dr. Colin Marlow in Grey's Anatomy [15.03.2007]

Auswahl von Filmen:
Larocque in Der rosarote Panther [2006]
König Pheron in The Scorpion King [2002]
Guillermo Kahlo in Frida [2002]
Mr. McMurtry in Trouble on the Corner [1997]
Bruce Ismay in Titanic [1996]
Parnell in Stop! Oder meine Mami schießt! [1992]
Jason Cross in McCloud rechnet ab [1989]